Tuesday, February 10, 2015


     Always think that you are worthful... and never give an inch to anyone who will pull you down.
     I've always been the thin and skinny boy in school. So, when I'm capable enough to make myself look better, I grab the chance of doing so. You have to make a way if you really want to attain something. Since, I can't afford to go to gym that time. I used to borrow barbells to anyone I know who already has it. I started doing sit ups and push ups regularly. And it paid off after a year and a half of doing it religiously. "No pain, no gain", as the saying goes. My self confidence and self-esteem starts to improve and boost up because I like what I see when I look in the mirror. It's like the new and better version of myself. And if you feel good about yourself, positive auras and good vibes tends to radiate out of you and people around you will surely notice that. It's not bad to look good that you wanted yourself to become as long as you don't overdo and exaggerate things. Also, it feels good to inspire someone to make themselves better as well because you're a living proof to it.
     All of us are beautiful in our own unique way. Love what you have and enhance what you got.

Photo by: Sukito San

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