Tired of living in your daily routines? Want something new or try something different? Well, do these crazy tips for fun and for gaining quite odd experiences that you can share if you want. Dare yourself!
Day 1: Eat All You Can
Satisfy your cravings. Eat all the food you want as long as you can and as long as you can afford. Do this regardless of your allergies and hypertension. Just don't overeat or you might end up killing yourself. Always have your medicine with you just in case. Tasting will do if you have this bad condition of the food that you've been dying for to eat. Skip your gym schedule for once and temporarily forget your "After Six" or "SouthBeach" diet. For an additional suggestion, dine in with your friends in an "Eat All You Can" restaurant. Once again, do not eat more than the capacity of your tummy because this activity is highly prone for constipation and LBM.
Day 2: Sleep All Day
you heard of the song "Sleep All Day" by Jason Mraz? This one is a
recharging thing to do. Don't set your alarm clock. Turn off your
cellphone. Then, cancel all your appointments within that day. Not
applicable for students during weekdays but highly recommended for the
workaholics. For girls, pretend that you are "Sleeping Beauty" and for
guys, assume that you are the male version of the said fairy tale. If
you can't really fall asleep after counting thousands of sheeps in your
head… skip this step and proceed to the next one. I am not suggesting
the use of sleeping pills coz it will make your sleep artificial. All
you have to do is sleep more than your hours of sleep or if you can… do
it the whole day. However, don't oversleep or you might end up sleeping
for a lifetime.
Day 3: Shout Out!!!
This craziness is 95% guarantee of feeling good afterwards and 5% guarantee of losing your voice. All you have to do is go to the highest place where you can possibly be. It may be on the top of the building, a mountain peak or if there's no other choice… your rooftop will do. I don't suggest climbing up in the billboard because other people might think that you're nuts or insane not unless you want to be in the news as a freak. Anyway, wherever that highest altitude you are standing… all you have to do is to shout out loud to the very top of your lungs with all your anguish in the world. It sounds cheesy, but it works! Just make sure no one hears or recognizes you when you do this. Moreover, this stuff has the capability of taking away your burden in some point and will make you feel light about yourself. I think, this is way much better and challenging than making your friendster or facebook shoutout.
Day 4: Say Cheese :)
Staple the best smile you got on your face. Keep on smiling and "say cheese" to any people who cross your path. I know that it sounds weird or will make you look ridiculous especially smiling with no reason at all or in front of a total stranger. However, doing this can guarantee you 70% of friendship in return and 30% of meeting your soulmate… who knows?! In fact, smile is the cheapest… yet the best gift anyone can give. Side effects of having a lockjaw might happen if done with exaggeration. But, make sure you brush your teeth before flashing out your smile.
Day 5: Be Wacky!
Upload your wackiest video ever on "You Tube" or in any video hosting site of your choice. Make a crazy move, act or stunt and show to anyone that you can be funny too! Then, see if how many views your video can get after uploading it. Others might think you are insane while others might appreciate your sense of humor and find it cool. Doing this may open a window of an opportunity for you of being discovered as a comedian or an actor especially if you got the x factor. You can also earn fans or much better, friendship from your viewers. If you cannot afford or have an access of making a video… a wacky photo of yourself will do. Moreover, taking a wacky video or picture with your loved ones or with your family is way much better. Remember, "the more… the merrier!". Aside from the famous line that "laughter is the best medicine", I can say that laughter is a good virus… for it is contagious in a good way. The outbreak it brings, makes the infected place happier and free of worries. It's a good feeling to make someone laugh and happy just by being wacky. Warning!... uploading a wacky video is highly addictive.
To sum it up, this article as a whole doesn't intend to make you look stupid by doing these crazy things. It's up to you if you want to give it a shot. But, these tips will be helpful somehow specifically for those stressful ones. It's about freeing yourself from a busy life once in a while and going out of your shell that bores you. You can be adventurous even in trying out on simple things. I am hoping that these so-called five crazy things will teach us how to feel light-hearted in dealing with the trials and challenges our life has to offer. Unleash again the child and the funny side in us without getting binded by what the social norms and the rules of morality dictates, without being pressured by what some folks tells us if what's the right thing to do. It's all about our own choices and free will that will enable us to live beyond the normal things we can do and in a limited world that stops us from discovering more of ourselves. As Kris Allen of American Idol says in his single, "Live Like We're Dying". Pretend that this is your last day on earth. Life is short, but will be perceived as long-lived if it goes with a purpose of exploring beyond our limitation. Take things easy and be cool.:)
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