It was last year of the same day! I woke up that one cold morning preoccupied with lots of things going on in my mind. Whenever I open my eyes, my glass window will be the first one to greet me “good morning”, and beside it is a huge calendar with a nude sexy star. Then, I saw the date with an “X” mark. And it was February 14. It was another Valentines day! So what’s new? It will be just another regular day that have had revolved in routines. I cleaned up and then turned on the television.
In the news, people were so busy buying flowers, chocolates and some lovey dovey stuff. I changed the channel, and there’s some news again reporting the promo rate of other hotels and motels and even inns this season including commercializing places or sweet getaways where you can take your date with a budget saving discount. Some were cheap but nice. Some were expensive yet formal. Actually, may it be a fine dine-in or a simple restaurant, or maybe in the street eating “isaw” and doing HHWW (Holding Hands While Walking), just in case you don’t know… a date will always be a date. It’s the moment that you’ve shared with each other that really counts.
If you want another gimmick for your loved ones, you can take her/him in any Valentine concert of your choice. There’s plenty of soundtripping choices during the love month. First and foremost, there’s the undying concert of David Pomeranz every Valentine while he sings “Got to Believe” and “Born For You” every year over and over again. There’s also some reunion concert of Martin and Pops (and breaking apart again after the show), local divas and balladeers (even those of the long time ago) and pop icons who had won in any talent/singing reality show, even some classic foreign love singers will come here just to have their musical event without you knowing that they were still alive until now and can sing in front of you and will make you believe that they exist in full color. But personally, I would rather go on with a date in a “rock concert”, may it be local or foreign… just to enjoy the whole day with an adrenaline rush. If some guys out there, think that it was a “noise” and wants a more solemn moment. Sit back with your date in a couch at home ’til “Dr. Love” hit the airwaves in DZMM after dinner. And its up to you if what’s gonna happen next…
Anyways, I’ve got up and gone out of the house. God! I was quite surprised and awed by the situation outside. It was like a “Panagbenga Festival” in Baguio. And I almost forgot that I’am not in Baguio. There’s flowers everywhere in the market. With candies and chocolates in heart-shaped appearance! Not to forget the dying industry of Valentine cards. Panicking folks were all over my sight going back and forth and buying those love stuffs. I just can’t imagine if what’s with them and they have to do it in full effort that day! What’s the big deal with the 14th day of February? Can’t they give flowers and share their love everyday or in anyday for the rest of the year? Why do most lovers wants to attend “Lova Palooza” and show the world how they kissed each other with great passion in the big screen though some were just obviously faking it and only wants publicity or to be seen in television. Well, It’s not bad after all to be a part of such world record and boast up to your friends and family saying, “Hey… I’m one of those guys in the news who kissed in public during that celebrated event!”. How was that!?
For a moment, I figured out that I was overpowered by the sense of practicality and of spending money wisely during crisis. I felt like I was the “Valentine Grinch” at that time… the one who hates “Heart’s Day”. And that I’ve thought of quite mean things against love… yet I got a slight point. Exciting and sweet emotions have been swimming beneath the surface for a busy year of work and studies. And today, February 14, is its time to emerge!!!
Suddenly, I have realized that I’ve bought a bunch of red roses too with dark chocolate to match up my sweetness for my girl. And I almost forgot that I am also compromised to meet someone in that “Lova Palooza” day! God! I’m a victim of ” Valentine Madness” too… I’m such a loser… LOL.
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