I wouldn't tell my name as well as my wives because I think that it wasn't that of much importance. All I want to share and for you to think about is my story and to all those who will read this. Maybe we are the same. Maybe we are in the same situation right now. Maybe you are currently doing what I'm doing. Maybe you are already committing the same mistake that I have done... or you are just unaware of it. Just a simple tip for you before it's not yet too late. Usually, regret always comes in the end. I just don't want you to end up on what I have been through.
I am a simple guy who have four wives. I cannot live without the four of them because I need them in my life. All of them plays an important role for me... for my whole being. Only that, I should say and admit that I am not giving equal attention to each of them. Different levels per se'. I have my personal favorites and the not so minded.
My first wife is my favorite. I am giving her all my luxuries. She's quite materialistic. From dresses, shoes, accessories, jewelries, and all the extravagance from head to foot... I'm giving it all! Even the food that's not healthy to eat as long as she wants it... I'm making her taste it!
I value my second wife. I love her coz I need her. I do admit that I really couldn't live without her and I will starve to death for she provides me anything I need. Sometimes even the needs of my first and third wife will surely be coming out from her pocket. It's really hard to survive nowadays without any allowance. That is why I cannot leave my second wife.
I love my third wife. She is my source of inspiration and moral support. She's my usual company and the one that stands with me in all my troubles in life and whenever I have a problem. When I need someone to talk to in times of sorrow and happiness. Because of her that is why I am earning hard for a living. I can't really leave her side unless the situation will force me to do so.
I also need my fourth wife. It's fine with me that she stays because I know that she wouldn't leave me. Eventhough I do not pay that much importance on her. From the time I wake up until I fall to sleep, she's always there and never keeps me off her sight. Whenever I'm alone and have problems, she's just there... listening. And you wouldn't hear a word from her. She's a good listener and maybe that's why I need her in my life. Still, I don't mind her that much despite her loyalty on me. Most of the time, I am not providing her needs... like food maybe.
Until one day, I was diagnosed with a malignant disease. My doctor said that I will only live for three months and it will be all over. There's no cure for my illness. My world shattered and I can't accept that fact especially if I will deal it all by myself. Because of what happened to me I felt that I needed some company who will stand by me all the way through. So, I asked my each of my four wives this only one question, "If something really worst will happen to me and I will be gone... would you stay with me all the way until the very end?".
My first wife answered, "I can't be with you 'til the end because I will be useless without you and I will be nothing.
My second wife answered, "I can't be with you until the end because I'd rather be in the hands of another and let them use me and benefit me than to go down with you in your destination.
My third wife answered, I just can't be with you to the very end... though how much I would have wanted to. I can support you, cry for you, or even grieve for you. But I can't go along with you to wherever you are heading.
I am already losing hope to ask my fourth wife. Yet, she knows my suffering... so I earned enough strength to ask her. My fourth wife answered me right away and without any hesitation, "I will be with you on your journey all the way until the very end".
My first wife is my "human body". It will be lifeless when I'm gone and it can't bring down to the grave all the luxuries and extravagances it got when I'm still alive.
My second wife is my "money". It will be left behind to my loved ones and will have no more use on me when I'm gone.
My third wife are my "family and friends". They can be with me when I'm still around and take care of me in times of sickness. However, they can do nothing but mourn for me when 'm dead.
My fourth wife is my "soul"... who will be with me to the very end even on the other side.
How about you? When was the last time you've been to church, had your communion, or even prayed? When was the last time you put an importance on your fourth wife... on your soul?
(This story was inspired by Fr. Larry Paz of Holy Family Parish of Marikina from his homily last June 26, 2011 on the "The Feast Of Corpus Christi". Translated into writing by yours truly, Sukito, on a manner of "first-person point of view" based on my own version of understanding on the story. I am hoping that you've reflected on this story in connection to your life and that you've learned something from it. I will be more glad if you will share this in credit to this blog and to the persons responsible for giving a body to this story. Thank you for reading.)
You can also read this on its Filipino version that I have translated on the link below...