Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lenten Season. In the olden times, ash in the forehead signifies that the one who has it is a sinner. A Catholic practice which symbolizes that from the ashes, we will turn back into ashes in the end.
Whenever this event comes, it only reminds us of one thing... and that is to be humble. Being down to earth in the eyes of God and towards our fellowmen. No matter how far we've been or experienced in this lifetime or even how successful we are in every aspect of life. That riches, wealth, recognition, accomplishments and power will be nothing when we reach the end of our journey in this world. We should remember that all of us started from nothing and from being a nobody. We may be an expert or good in everything we do right now but we should reminisce those times when we know nothing of what we presently do... we begun as the ordinary and the ignorant person beforehand. We shouldn't boast for our accomplishments. Instead, we should share our knowledge... those things that we've learned... and our blessings to others.
Confucius says, "life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated". There were those times that it feels good to get back to basics. Those simple lessons in life. Days free from stressful situations and from complicated events and from the drowning sins... existing and waiting to be committed. It feels great to live a new life with humble beginnings with our feet that stays on the ground as we evolve for good each day. To grow hope in our hearts and nurture it to benefit us during downtimes.
I think that when we meet God, He wouldn't ask us how much wealth we gain or how successful we've been. We shouldn't feel proud of ourselves that we've helped a lot and have done good things because this is not the measurement of living the good life. It might be somehow and in some way but what really counts is how we humbly deal with the trials and the triumphs we've had and learning from it and sharing it to those in need. This season is not only for penance and fasting. It's also for reflecting and making our hearts and minds in peace with God and with ourselves as well. To keep on living good as much as we can and be a blessing not only to the people we love but to all those people around us. God bless...