Holy macaroni! It's holy week again. Most people take advantage of this time for a vacation. May it be in their hometown provinces or in any beautiful beaches just to escape a busy city life. Personally, I don't usually go out of town whenever this time comes. I just stay at home and do church tripping. Some might think it's boring. But, maybe this is my way of unwinding myself from all the stressful events I've had and will have for the rest of the year. I do separate my vacation schedules. Out of town or swimming galore during summer vacation... and reflection during holy week. What I mean was, one is for myself, family and friends... and the other one is for my spiritual growth. I do go to hear a mass every Sunday and as long as I have a time. But, I should admit that I wasn't that active in church acivities or should I say that I am not a full blown practitioner. So, I really use my holy week vacation for meditation and reflection and to refresh myself as well. By the way, I make it point to join the long procession every Good Friday as my way of devotion or sacrifice. Anyway, walking is good for the heart. So, I am exercising my body and soul at the same time. Hitting two birds with one stone at the same as they say. Many people have their own and different versions of showing their devotion or their "panata" ( a Tagalog term used for making a sacrifice connected to a spiritual or religious manner and belief). Some folks have themselves crucified and reliving the life of Jesus Christ. This event was known and can be witnessed in San Fernando, Pampanga. Moreover, it has become a tourist spot in their place, visited by tourist and foreigners to document it or just to plainly watch it. In my part, if you're doing it for money, attracting tourist or in any other purpose excluding your personal faith... the sacrifice will be senseless and loses it's genuine intention for it shouldn't be boasted and must be humbly and sincerely done. Some people have their backs bleed to death or should I say with a fake blood while hitting it with a rod. There are also those that I've known who don't eat meat and lessen their food intake as they satisfy themselves with only bread and water for the whole day during this week. Many churchgoers do the way or the station of the cross and if they are more outgoing they do the "Visita Iglesia" or visiting seven churches while they pray. Others do contemplate on the mysteries of the rosary. Commonly, many Catholics avoid or do not commit sins during this time and just simply pray. Some don't care after all and they just enjoy their vacation... then call on God when they are sick. In any way possible, we all have our own ways of doing our sacrifices during this lent. It doesn't really matter how big or small it is. God doesn't look on it's quantity but on it's quality. If it's sincere from the heart or just a show for your image. It doesn't matter if how many novenas or rosary you've prayed or how many prayers you can memorize or even how many saints you can name. Faith is not a contest by impressing God with all fake means. Instead, faith is a commitment... a personal relationship between you and Him. It is immeasurable whether you're a religious practitioner or a non-practitioner. It is within you... if God dwells in your heart and in your mind by doing what is right and for the common good that pleases Him. Whatever religion we are into, it doesn't matter that much for we all have One God... and the faith we have in Him is exclusive for ourselves as long as the sincerity is there. We do not really need to be holy like the saints this Holy Week. All we have to do is to be good and that's it.