He wanted to be called as "P-NOY", stands for President Noynoy, instead of his initials. Today, June 30, 2010, Benigno Simeon "Noynoy" Cojuangco Aquino III will be inaugurated as the 15th president of the Philippine Republic to be held at the Quirino Grandstand in Luneta Park, Manila.
He accidentally got into the decision of running into presidency after his mother's death, former Philippine President Cory Aquino, before the first computerized election took place where the use of Precinct Count Optical Scan or PCOS machine will be tested first hand by the Filipino voters. As Senator Nene Pimentel jokingly says that PCOS stands for "President Cory's Only Son" wherein it sounded like a hint if who's going to win in the presidential race. And so the story goes...
Even before he won, thousands of do's and dont's, requests, petitions, assessments, complaints, suggestions, prayers and goodluck were posted on his fan page/s. Not to include those resumes that was sent to his house in Times Square. I am just hoping that those written words for P-Noy will not just remain as plain words but will be in deed as the fulfillment of his promise wayback when he was still courting the votes of the Filipinos especially those who are in the poverty line. Of course, Noynoy is only human and we can't expect that he can accomplish all those things right away. People should give him enough time to prove himself to the public. And in return, he should and I believe that he would be worthy of this trust for the common good. For the people are the ones who put him in power out of respect, love, dignity and intellectual choice. While some, sad to say, doesn't really care after all if who's going to lead the country or what.
Personally, I'm hoping that P-Noy will stand by his own name and will prove himself away from the shadows of his respectable parents, Ninoy and Cory. And that he would not only hear the cries of the people but respond to it as well, that he would not perceived his presidency as a job but a devotion, and that he will be the servant of the public and not the master of it.
They say that it's alone in the top, but you'll never be... when you'll earn the public trust and you have the people on your side. Goodluck to our new President Noynoy Aquino! Long live the Philippines!
photo courtesy of: myvotematters2010.files.wordpress.com